Phase IV Environmental Site Assessments

 In Environmental Drafting Services, Environmental Site Assessments

An environmental site assessment is important. It involves a study of both past and present activities that take place on a piece of land. It is meant to determine the contamination possibility on the site, and the environmental impact that it may have if it spreads.

There are a number of steps that are involved in it. These include sample readings, a historical study and the final report. They could either be done as part of property transfers or in some cases they may be requested by a company agency.

A new owner may be severely and/or jointly liable for cleanup costs in the event that environmental contamination is discovered after the property is sold. There are cases where the cost of environmental cleanup or extensive investigation may exceed the normal market value of the property. A large percentage of gas stations and dry cleaners that are assessed usually have a degree of impacted groundwater or soils at the site. This is why it is important to examine properties that have either contained or still contain these businesses.

There are a number of phases that are involved. These include Phase I, Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV Environmental Site Assessment. Different processes are adapted in all of them. The extent of each project is dependent on the business objectives of the client.

An ESA Phase IV relies on the findings of all the results of the previous three phases of investigations. The data collected will be used to come up with a cost-effective cleanup of the site. Contamination that is found during Phase II and Phase III will prompt site rehabilitation to be done in order to determine the environmental quality of the site that is contaminated.

The good thing is that there are many companies that offer this service. Always ensure you pick a company that is qualified and experienced. A good company has the expertise to suggest to clients several methods that can be used to decontaminate or treat a site that are cost-effective in Environmental Site Assessment Phase IV. The process may at times be expensive hence you should consider setting aside a sufficient budget. Some of the methods that are proposed by firms during ESA Phase IV may include disposal and excavation at a site that is authorized, treatment of underground water, introducing mitigation measures, chemical oxidation of soils that are contaminated and the biotreatment of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils.

Click for more information about our Environmental Drafting Services for a Phase IV ESA.
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